Saturday, 3 December 2016

Wise Quotes - THE POWER OF PSALMS 23

Over the years, i have learnt the tremendous power of Psalms 23. A well known scripture of the bible with just six verses yet very powerful in its simplicity.

I have learnt to recite it to myself over and over again i practically live it each day. It encompasses very simple little prayers for every situation you find yourself. We often times recite it by heart and not necesarily taking a moment to indulge in the calmness it brings to our soul. Having gone through some of the most challenging times of my life this year, i realised the immediate effect it always brings me when i pray it to myself.

Psalm 23 is a recognition that everything we need had already been done. It is not a prayer of asking but rather a prayer of acting on faith what we already have. David the writer, recognised the Love God had for him as a child of The Most High and personalised the prayer back to God his FATHER.

The Lord is my SHEPHERD - David recognised the Lord as his Father. Like a good shepherd attending to his flock here he makes us understand the RELATIONSHIP God has with us. The scriptures says in John 10:27, My sheep hears my voice and i know them......

I shall NOT WANT - If the Lord is your Father, then you certainly have no worries in the world because He is The Jehovah Jireh....The Lord our PROVIDER. He SUPPLIES all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19).

He makes me to LIE DOWN in GREEN PASTURES and lead me besides the STILL waters - Green as we all know symbolizes riches, wealth. And being lead to still waters means calmness, refreshment a place of REST only God can give.

He RESTORERS my soul - God's daily provision includes strength and healing.

He lead me in the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS for HIS name sake - As the shepherd guides his sheep through the fields so does the Lord gives us GUIDANCE and PURPOSE each day.

Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil - Through all life's trials and tribulations, The Lord is our PROTECTION.

For thou art with me - Great is the  FAITHFULNESS of the Lord towards us. He said He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us...(Deuteronomy 31:6)

Thy ROD and Thy STAFF they comfort me - A rod or staff in scriptures  symbolises a 'right hand' of protection from danger. A shepherd  uses his rod to lead or direct the sheep as well as protect them from any danger. Here we're assured of God's rod of protection and staff of guidance, therefore we do not have to fear for He comforts us.

Thy prepare a table before me in the PRESENCE of my enemies - Our God will bless us for all to see, especially our enemies. We have this hope in HIM.

Thy anoint my head with OIL - He sets us aside for His use by the power of His Spirit.

My cup RUNS OVER, Surely GOODNESS and MERCY  shall follow me all the days of my life - Our BLESSINGS  will overflow in ABUNDANCE  till it blesses others.

And i will dwell in the HOUSE of the Lord, FOREVER - God assures of our daily security in Him by dwelling in His HOUSE till ETERNITY.

Now that you've read about the Power contained in this scripture.....take a moment to re-read and enjoy its blessing. Remain blessed.

#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes 

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