Friday, 18 November 2016


Every individual has what success means to them. What i may want to achieve to be successful might not necessarily mean the same to others. But overall the common goal is to succeed in whatever one intend to do.

A retirement service was recently held for my dad for his long term service to the church. Many testimonies were shared about him. And even people who couldn't make it will call and share on many more testimonies.

We also organised a surprise dinner to honour him and my mum's 60th birthday and there were yet many more testimonies to share. I watched as my dad shed a tear or two.....for a man who hardly cries, that was touching. He underestimated the impact he had left on people over the years.

See, for me, dad is a success story.....many of the testimonies were about the fact that he nurtured them to seek God for sister testified of how she never knew how to pray yet alone lead people into prayer but dad always gave her the opportunity to do so and now she is a leader in one of the ministries in the church.

It's not so much about how well you lead but the impartation or legacy you live behind. Most importantly it's about making sure you take your family along with you on that road to success.

Ask yourself today, are you living  something behind that in your absence, the baton can be carried forward? I certainly want to be like my father. Have a blessed day.
#inspired.ann #WiseQuotes


  1. This is beautiful. Very touching. It's an amazing journey called life. Growing up with our parents and seeing them at this stage in their lives. I am realizing that this stage is about the legacy God planned for their lives. Much love to your parents, and may God continue to use them to influence generations to come.

    1. Amen....i surely will send in your regards. God bless you.
