Monday, 14 November 2016

Wise Quotes - PRAYER

Several times we hear the saying 'PRAYER IS KEY'. Prayer is indeed key in a believers life. It is simply communicating with God (Our Heavenly Father). So far as i know, there is no rule or logic to it.....simply just talk to God.

I've been asked "but how does one pray?" and my answer is "just as you ask me a question and i answer you, it's the same way you do with God". One might also ask "but how will God answer back when i ask something or talk to Him"? It's by seeking after Him through His Word (The Bible) and the inner man Spirit or that intuition you get sometimes(The Holy Spirit).

Now doing this requires Trust and Faith in God. And Faith comes by hearing and hearing The Word of God. Today's #WiseQuote is EXHALING the self (doubt, fear, anxiety) or whatever holds you back in believing and INHALING The SPIRIT  (Love, peace, joy) and all things good that The Lord wants to instill in you. Just as a child goes to their father, calls him daddy(sharing a bond) and talks to him, that is the same intimacy our Heavenly Father wants to have with us.  So today why don't you give it a go and talk to Him.....He always listens. Remain blessed. 

#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes

For more on why I'm sharing these quotes , please read the previous post (The beginning of greater things......Wise Quotes).


  1. Pray always. I have seen and experienced the power of prayer in my life. It's the ultimate key, or as they say its MAJOR KEY in our lives.

  2. There is indeed power in Prayer....Thanks for your thought.
