Monday, 13 February 2017

Wise Quotes - WHAT IS IN A NAME?

Amongst the numerous of God's creation, names are one of the most powerful. Adam had the privilege of having to name all living creatures including his wonderfully made wife Eve.....(Genesis 2). Here, I presume is where the idea of a woman having to take the name of her husband comes from but we'll save that teaching for another day.

Today i will like us to find out what exactly is in a name and the power behind it. Biblically we come across many people whose names shaped their lives and even their future. Most, if not all of the biblical names have meanings which either brings joy, sorrow or pain. 

Consider Jabez, his mother gave birth to him in much pain so she named him Jabez, which in Hebrew means 'Pain'.....(1 Chronicles 4:9).

His name must have been causing him a lot of pain in his life because his prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:10 caused God to move in his life and make a change.

10.Jabez cries out to God of Isreal, 'Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territiry! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from hatm so that i will be freecrom oain.' And God granted hisbrequest"

This prayer is one which has been an example of how we can cry out to God to change situations in our lives and He always listens.

We can also find people in the likes of Saul whose name was later changed to Paul after having an encounter with Jesus Christ personally. His life changed completely from trying to destroy Christ's chuch to becoming one of the gretaest apostles and servant of God we know till date.

Names have great power to change one's destiny. I have had teatimonies of how people's names have brought them great joy because of what they mean. Like my name, it means God's Grace and looking back over my life, indeed it's His Grace which has kept me and has been more than sufficient in my life. I sometimes question myself of certain happenings in my life and I'm reminded of the fact that anytime my name is called it brings to LIFE that of which it order words whenever 'Anna' is mentioned, God's Grace abounds in my life and the more it's being mentioned the more it keeps abounding.....oh hallelujah! what great joy to know the power in a name.

The Name of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ by far is the most meaningful name(s) ever......"SAVIOUR". What better name to give than saviour. He indeed became the Saviour of the world when He came down from His throne to take our place of death. His death has been the most meaningful in man's life.....It heals the sick, gives peace to the troubled mind, restores that which has no hope, makes a way where there seems to be no way and saves anyone who cries out to Him.

What is your name???

Have a blessed day as you ponder on the Word today. Stay tuned for my next post where i share with you some of the names of God.

#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes


  1. Amazing read. So true. Thanks Anna

    1. You are very welcome Nnena.......Thanks for reading.
