Tuesday, 28 February 2017


More and more women are gradually loosing out on a quality time spent with God. We go through the day with so many to-do-list which includes prayer for many other things but fail to stop for a minute to truly seek God's face for ourselves. I don't know about you but the moment i feel uneasy, anxious or a hint of feeling overwhelmed coming on, then i know that my time spent with God is minimal.

For this reason i decided that in this month of March, i will be sharing with everyone especially women these daily prayers and readings to help kick start our relationship with 'The Lover of our Soul'.....Jesus Christ(For my fathers, uncles, brothers and sons reading, you can also share with the women in your lives while supporting us in prayer). Without God we are nothing and nothing can be done without His strength. What i will be sharing will be based on previous literature i have acquired over the years in my search for the perfect relation with God and so most of you may recognise some of them. I will also be making references to most books i have been reading to help as well, mostly 'the Power of a Praying Woman'' by Stormie Omartian.

The prayers and scriptures shared will be coming from the book 'The Power of a Praying Woman'

Shall we begin.........DAY 1 - THE POWER

Whether you're young or old, married or single, believer or not we all have needs and usually we look to the wrong places for those needs to be met. We go through busy lives doing everything for everyone but ourselves and usually the least on our minds are prayers for ourselves.

Stormie Omartian said it best when she said, "Every woman has needs. But many of us are guilty of looking to other people to meet them, especially the men in our lives. Too often we expect them to meet the needs that only God can fill. And then we get disappointed when they can't. We expect too much from them when our expectations should be in God."* 

Lisa Bevere also quoted that, "For centuries women have wrestled and waged war with the sons of Adam in an attempt to get them to bless us and affirm our value. But this struggle has left us frustrated at best. In the end, it is all a senseless and exhausting process in which both parties lose. It is not the fault of the sons of Adam; they cannot give us the blessings we seek, and we have frightened them by giving them so much power over our souls. We must learn that the blessings we truly need come from God."*

They couldn't have said it any better. Today we will begin by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us, to show us what we need to do in this walk and to have The Presence of God with us at all times.

Lord, You have said it in Your Word that whoever believes in You will have rivers of Living Water flowing from their heart (John 7:38). I believe in You, and I long for Your Living water to flow in and through me today and everyday that i'm alive. I invite Your Holy Spirit to fill me afresh right now. Just as a spring is constantly being renewed with fresh water so that it stays pure, I ask You to renew me in that same way today.
Your Word says that 'the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which we cannot be uttered" (Romans 8:26). Lord, I realise I don't know how to pray as I need to, not as often as I want to, but I invite You, Holy Spirit, to pray through me. Help me in my weakness. teach me the things I don't know about You.
I am desperately aware of how much I need Your power to transform me and my circumstances. I don't want to live an ineffective life. I want to live in the dynamic power of Your Spirit. I don't want to be a spiritual underachievement. I want to be an overcomer. You paid a price for me so that I could be owned by You. Help me to live like it. You planned out a course for my life so that I could be defined by You. Help me to act like it. You made it possible for me to defeat my enemy. Help me not to forget it. You sent Your Holy Spirit so that I could live in power. Help me to fulfill that Promise. You gave Your life for me because You loved me. Help me to do the same for You.
I put all my expectations in You, Lord. I repent of the times I have expected other people or other things to meet my needs when I should have been looking to You. I know that You are the only one who can complete me because You are everything I need. All that I have ever wanted in my life can be found in You. Help me to remember to live not in my own strength, but by the Power of Your Spirit living in me. Forgive me for the times I have forgotten to do that. Enable me to grow in the things of Your kingdom so that I can become a whole, properly functioning, contributing, productive child of Yours who moves forward in Your purpose for my life.

 Scriptures for Meditation

2 Corinthians 4:7
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

1 Corinthians 1:18
The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is power of God.

2 Corinthians 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

1 Corinthians 6:14
God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power.

John 15:26

When the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.

#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes

*Stomie Omartian, The Power of a Praying Woman(2006)
*Lisa Bevere, Kissed the Girls and Made The Cry, (Nashville:Tommy Nelson, 2002)

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