Wednesday, 31 May 2017


A very blessed day to you all family. I am back again but this time with the agenda of praying for the men in our lives, from grand fathers to sons.........especially our husbands.This month of June is dedicated to praying for them.

There are many battles men face each day without really talking about it. Some men are quiet open about challenges they face on a daily basis while for others, they try to deal with it in a way which they deem best. Whatever the case, we are here to pray for God's divine guidance for them for every area of their lives. So join me as we take a topic to pray about each day. Once again, most of the information i will be sharing with you is taken form the book 'Power of a praying wife' by Stormie Omartian. If you have the book, it'll help a great deal with the prayers......if you don't have it, i highly recommend it. Though the prayers are set mainly for wives to pray for husbands, it doesn't stop those who are single or courting to pray into the future of their to be husbands.


The hard part about being a praying wife, other than the sacrifice of time, is maintaining a pure heart. It must be clean before God in order for you to see good results. That's why praying for a husband must begin with praying for his wife. If you have resentment, anger forgiveness or an ungodly attitude, even if there's good reason for it, you'll have a difficult time seeing answers to your prayers. But if you can release those feelings to God in total honesty and then move into prayer, there is nothing that can change a marriage dramatically. Sometimes wives sabotage their own prayers because they don't pray them from a right heart.

Most of us require to see changes in our relationships. When you pray for your husband, especially in the hopes of changing him, you can surely expect some changes. But the first changes won't be in him. They'll be in you. God sees things we don't and also knows where we have room for improvement. He doesn't have to search long to uncover attitudes and habits that are outside His perfect will for us. He requires us to not sin in our hearts because sin separates us from Him and we don't get our prayers answered.

Many of us find it difficult to even utter a word of prayer for our husbands in cases of conflict. "Who actually prays in those times  anyway?" I hear you ask. After years of practicing the habit of praying in those moments, I have realized that something amazing happens to your heart when you pray......the hardness melts and you are able to get beyond the hurts and forgive. It is not an easy thing to even begin to think about but remember there is nothing too difficult for our God. Begin with a sincere heart and see how God turns things around. 

Lord, Help me to be a good wife. I fully realise that I don't have what it takes to be one without your help. Take my selfishness. impatience and irritability and turn them into kindness, long-suffering and the willingness to bear all things. Take my old emotional habits, mindsets, automatic reaction, rude assumptions and self-protective stance, and make me patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. Take the hardness of my heart and break down the walls with Your battering ram of revelation. Give me a new heart and work in me Your love, peace and joy (Galatians 5:22-23). I am not able to rise above who I am at this moment. Only You can transform me.

Show me where there is sin in my heart, especially with regard to my husband. I confess the times I've been unloving, critical, angry, resentful, disrespectful or unforgiving toward him. Help me to put aside any hurt, anger or disappointment I feel and forgive him the way You do, totally and completely, no looking back. Make me a tool of reconciliation, peace and healing in this marriage. Enable us to communicate well and rescue us from the threshold of separation where the realities of divorce begin.

Make me my husband's helpmate, companion, champion, friend and support. Help me to create a peaceful, restful, safe place for him to come home to. Teach me how to take care of myself and stay attractive to him. Grow me into a creative and confident woman who is rich in mind, soul, and spirit. Make me the kind of woman he can be proud to say is his wife.

I lay all my expectations at Your cross. I release my husband from the burden of fulfilling me in areas where I should be looking to You, Help me to accept him the way he is and not try to change him, I realise that in some ways he may never change, but at the same time, I release him to change in ways i never thought he could. I leave any changing that needs to be done in Your hands, fully accepting their neither of us is perfect and never will be. Only You, Lord, are perfect and I look to You to perfect us.

Teach me how to pray for my husband and make m prayers a true language of love. Where love has died, create new love between us. Show me what unconditional love really is and how to communicate it in a way he can clearly perceive. bring unity between us so that we can be in agreement about everything (Amos 3:3). May the God of patience and comfort grant us to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus (Roman 15:5). Make us a team, not pursuing separate, competitive or independent lives, but working together, overlooking each others faults and weaknesses for the greater good of the marriage. Help us to pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another (Romans 14:19). May we be "perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment" (I Corinthians 1:10).

I pray that our commitment to You and to one another will grow stronger and more passionate every day. Enable him to be the head of the home as You made him to be, and show me how to support and respect him as he rises to that place of leadership. Help me to understand his dreams and see things from his perspective. Reveal to me what he wants and needs and show me potential problems before they arise. Breathe Your life into this marriage.

Make me a new person, Lord. Give me a fresh perspective, a positive outlook, and a renewed relationship with the man You've given me. help me see him with new eyes, new appreciation, new love, new compassion and new acceptance. Give my husband a new wife, and let it be me.


Mark 11:2,25

I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.”

Ephesians 4:32

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Matthew 7:7,8

 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 

Proverbs 24:3,4

Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established;
By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

Galatians 6:9

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes

*Stomie Omartian, The Power of a Praying Wife(2006)

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