In today's wise quote, we'll be looking at John 14:27......still sharing on God's promises.
John 14:27 (NLT)* - I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
I can imagine how the people of Christ's time might have felt when He gave them this promise......I read this scripture now and the assuring love of The Father gives me hope.
I once heard this story from my Presiding Elder about a rich man who was trying to sleep at night but his neighbours were having a party and with the loud noise he couldn't. In most African Countries, parties are usually held outdoors with huge speakers which are loud enough to be heard miles away. So you can imagine why this man couldn't sleep.
The rich man came out of his house very angry and ready to complain about the noise only for him to notice another man sleeping soundly under one of the speakers.......moral of the story, when you have peace, not even a noisy speaker can wake you from your sleep. The kind of Peace God gives is an 'inside job'(i have shared a post on this earlier titled 'PEACE').
And here Jesus has promised us that this peace is a gift he's given to us. Nothing in this world can ever give you such peace of mind and heart. Do not let your heart be troubled or be afraid...... All you have to do is to trust in Him. Have a blessed day as you hold on to this promise.
#inspired...ann #WiseQuotes
* New Living Translation
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