Monday, 12 June 2023


A very blessed day to you all my dear readers, I’m back with the next temperament but before that let’s get into the disclaimer shall we? 

DISCLAIMER: the message I’m about to share is not entirely my own but information aquired as a result of my research together with the help and knowledge of The Holy Spirit(The Word of God) that  I was inspired with it. References will be made at the end of every post. 

The next temperament I’m going to be writing about is MELANCHOLY. The melancholia are thoughtful, faithful and persistent. Their detailed oriented minds, combined with extremely high standards often lean them to make great strides in their area of expertise. For melancholies, planning and organization are an essential part of life. They are meticulously tidy, and always on time. It’s fun for them to analyze data and find creative solutions. The melancholy’s motto: If something is worth being done, it’s worth being done right.

These temperaments have a “DO IT RIGHT” kind of attitude. Moses was the kind of guy. He wanted to know the details of how God was going to help him lead the people out of Egypt. Attentive to the detials of the law given by God and the precise measurements of the temple. He seemed unsure of himself and tried to convince God to make his brother Aaron a leader.

Esther the Queen was willing to comply with the rules and requirements of her position. Yet, when it became necessary to bend the rules, she wanted to make sure it was done correctly. She planned very carefully and prayerfully and was systematic in her approach to problem solving. Mary the mother of Jesus was analytical, when greeted by the Angel in Luke 1:26-38 she wondered what sort of greeting this might be. In the verse 19, we realise she kept all these things, pondering them in her heart. She is most likely to be a “Melancholic Phlegmatic”. 

And this brings me to the point that it is most likely you will find yourself in more than one temperament. 

There are many others who falls under this temperament but two people I found fascinating are Judas Iscariot and Peter. Peter denies Jesus three times and Judas once yet he killed himself. Take a money to think about this. Why do you think that was so? I’ll love to hear your answers in the comment section.

Other groups you’ll have have the melancholic temperament are teachers and intercessors. Proverbs 27:12 is a good scripture for these temperaments….let’s read. “A prudent man sees evil and hides himself and avoids it, But the naive [who are easily misled] continue on and are punished [by suffering the consequences of sin].”‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭12‬ ‭AMP‬‬

How To Love A Melancholy - Melancholies tend to be hard on themselves, so your sincere, loving encouragements can go a long way! Be mindful of their sensitive nature, as your words could easily wound them. Melancholies thrive when they have time alone, so give them the space they need to shine. Do your part to make things clean and tidy—and be sure to praise them for the thoughtful dedication they put into everything they do!

I pray as we go through these temperaments, you begin to understand yourself better and then be able to also relate to others better. The lord bless you all.

#Shalom ✌🏽

AMP - Amplified

* Reference 

Joyce Meyer (Understanding the four personalities)

Pastor Vince - Fairhaven Baptist Church

Tuesday, 23 May 2023


As promised, here is the second part of the message. I pray the first part was a blessing to you. Let’s get into it but before that let me share the disclaimer. 

DISCLAIMER: the message I’m about to share is not entirely my own but information aquired as a result of my research together with the help and knowledge of The Holy Spirit(The Word of God) that  I was inspired with it. References will be made at the end of every post. 

Repositioning your mindset to working together requires firstly knowing yourself and then those you work with. So my question to you is, “do you really know yourself?” “Do you know why you do the things you do?” Let’s read Psalm 139:13-15 with emphasis on verse 14.(Kindly read the whole chapter for better understanding). “For You formed my innermost parts; You knit me [together] in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was being formed in secret, And intricately and skillfully formed [as if embroidered with many colors] in the depths of the earth.”‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬-‭15‬(AMP)

The psalmist clearly identified that his soul knows very well of who he is in Christ. If your souls knows very well and is aware then you have the privilege of getting to know who you really are, which will be beneficial in your spiritual growth. His description of how God made him reminds me of exactly what Jeremiah also said in Jeremiah 1:5(AMP) - ““Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], And before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.””

This is what you need to discover. That inner complex self which is also the breathe of God. Remember in Genesis, when God created man, He breath His breathe of life into man and man became a living being. That breathe lives in you and is a part of you who truly are. As you grow from a baby, you learn by picking up traits and personalities from your family and those around you. Nonetheless that breathe of God is also a part of you and it requires daily communication and relationship with God to be in tune.

If we are able to understand that, only then will we be able to know and understand others better. You will also be able to relate to them better and avoid many unnecessary misunderstandings and confusions. It’s a new era and requires the knowledge of God to operate. We have become a generation with every information at our fingertips yet we mostly don’t seem to be that knowledgeable as we should. 

In light of this, my next question to you will be, “have you ever wondered what your personality is like through scriptures? Let’s get into the four temperaments with scriptural backings to give us more insight.

SANGUINE - Sanguines are spontaneous, vivacious and cheerful. They see the positive in everything around them and always expect the best out of life. Being naturally optimistic, sanguines have the ability to take any dull task and make it fun. They love to be with people, talking and telling stories, and they’re quite comfortable and happy to be the center of attention. Sanguines add joy and enjoyment to everyday life, and bring a little party wherever they go!

*These group are “A TRUST ME! IT’LL WORK OUT”, kind of people. Peter will be part of this group. He was very dramatic, often speaking up for the rest of the disciples. Sometimes he spoke before thinking. One moment, in front of the crowd, he promises to never forsake Christ. Ruth showed sanguine behavior when she enticed Naomi to let her travel with her. She demonstrated family loyalty and an adventurous spirit by her willingness to move to a foreign country. You’ll also find that many evangelists are sanguines. These are supporting scriptures for this group; Proverbs 15:13 and Proverbs 15:15.

*How to Love a Sanguine - A Sanguine can speak first and think later, but remember they mostly mean well! They’re great at getting things started but may need your help and encouragement to finish a job. Sanguines sincerely love to help others but may over-commit due to their enthusiastic nature, so encourage them to count the cost before they commit. Show them you appreciate the fun and excitement they bring to your life!

As we go along, it is likely you will find yourself in more than one temperament. I will end this here but I pray you allow the spirit of God to lead you into how to deal with all these temperaments.

Kindly stay tuned as I share with you, all the other temperaments. But as usual I will love to hear from you. The Lord bless you.

#Shalom ✌🏽

AMP - Amplified

* Reference 

Joyce Meyer (Understanding the four personalities)

Pastor Vince - Fairhaven Baptist Church

Monday, 22 May 2023


Hello there my dear readers, it has been a while since I posted something. I have been trying my hands on many different things and it seems writing is one of my favourites after all. I am glad to be sharing this post with you all. 

The reason for starting off again really is due to a message I shared with my church family over the weekend. There was so much information to share with not enough time so I promised to share the rest later. After careful thinking of ways I could, I was reminded of my blogging on here. So here we are and what a perfect way to kick back into it. This message is in two parts: REPOSITIONING YOUR MINDSET  TO SERVICE & KNOWING WHO YOU REALLY ARE.

DISCLAIMER: the message I’m about to share is not entirely my own but information aquired as a result of my research together with the help and knowledge of The Holy Spirit(The Word of God) that  I was inspired with it. References will be made at the end of every post. 

Repositioning your mindset to service requires togetherness. It requires individuals coming to the realisation that our aim of making it to heaven means we be our “brothers keeper” and work together to achieve that. The word of God in 1 Corinthians 12:21(ESV) says “the eye cannot say to the hand I have no need of you, nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you”…..meaning you cannot be a servant of God with the “I can do it by myself” mindset. No man is an island and even islands have the sea, trees and other creatures around it which comes together to  make it the perfect island. We need each other on this journey.

Now let me bring in the story of BABEL, which I’m sure most of you know. The story can be found in Genesis 11:1-9(kindly read all) for further clarification. Simply put, the story is one which tells of how the Babyloniains who at the time had one language wanted to build for themselves a great city with a tower that reaches up to the heavens but got stopped by God. Here are two reasons why I think God stopped them;
1. They wanted to make a name for themselves. Like wow! as we may rightly exclaim. How do you try to make a name for yourself by building a tower all the way to heaven? Why will you try to challenge the Almighty who’s NAME is above every other name. The one who’s GLORY no one can share(Isaiah 42:8).
2. Pride and arrogance set in. And I can see how boastful they must have become thinking we are of one language so we can do this, we can certainly reach the heavens. 🤣 (had to bring in my fav emoji). These people were on a mission and by all means necessary they had to accomplish it but one thing is certain…..”Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” Proverbs 16:18(NIV). 

What other possible reasons do you think God would have used to stop them? I will love to hear from you so kindly share your views in the comment section. 

Moving on, I was fascinated by this story because as much as it has many negatives there are also some positives to pick up from as servants of God. Besides explaining the existence of diverse human languages out of their division, It also teaches that togetherness yields great results. I mean imagine a people with one language, they must have known each other so well and it must have been well enough to reason together for such an awesome plan to build a mighty city to the heavens. This reminds me of the scripture in Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭19‬ ‭(AMP‬‬) “Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” 

So I pose the question to you dear reader, can two walk together unless they agree? Let me hear from you in the comment section.

I mean let’s be honest, this was a master plan orchested and I doubt there has ever been any of such recorded in history again. This comes to show the power we possess being united. Imagine the souls we can win together being united in outreach to the world. And imagine how being united can even be beneficial to our own personal journey in Christ Jesus. We can do exploit when we become one. We usually give credit to others who are united in making wealth amongst thier families and community and we wonder why. Remember we the chosen generation are of a blessed descendants and so must also enjoy the blessings of God here on earth. But this calls for looking out for one another in good and in bad. Admitted, it can be very challenging dealing with humans but knowing who you truly are in Christ can be the beginning of learning how the other person also is in order to be able to work with them amicably and peacefully…..which leads me to the next part of this message - REPOSRITIONING YOUR MIND TO KNOWING WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

I will end this here but please be on the look out for the part two of the message in my next post. Thank you all very much for reading and by all means do well to let me hear from you too. I am sure there is so much I can also learn from you or perhaps unlearn from what i think is right. 

#Shalom ✌🏽

ESV - English Stabdard Version
NIV - New International Version
AMP - Amplified